A ministry of Vienna Baptist Church, the Vienna Baptist Children’s Center is a high-quality early childhood program that provides a safe and nurturing environment, promoting the physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual development of young children while responding to the needs of families. VBCC welcomes children ages 10 months through 5 years with diverse developmental needs.
Begun in 1971 as a Mother’s Day Out program, VBCC has grown into a developmental school serving approximately 150 children a week, served by a staff of approximately 35, including teachers, teaching assistants, and administrative staff. Together, the families and staff are culturally diverse, representing many countries from around the globe.
At VBCC, we teach that God is a loving God who made the world, loves all people, and expects us to love and care for each other. The school provides a multiethnic environment of books, pictures, music, dolls, and toys. Prayer, religious songs, Bible stories, and the teaching of Christian values are included in our curriculum.
Vienna Baptist Children’s Center
541 Marshall Road, SW | Vienna, VA 22180
phone: 703-281-2021 | email: preschool@viennabc.org
© 2024 Vienna Baptist Children's Center. All Rights Reserved.