Vienna Baptist Children’s Center (VBCC) began in 1971 as a Mother’s Day Out program. This was when one of the women’s mission circles decided to provide a ministry to the church mothers with young children. The idea was to provide a safe and fun place for children one morning a week.
In the ensuing years, VBCC has grown into a preschool capable of serving 150 children ages 10 months to 5 years. It has been a journey to where we are today. We have had a developmentally appropriate curriculum for all our children in place since 1992. We are a preschool that knows that play provides the stage for learning in these early years. We were one of the first preschools in the Northern Virginia area to open an outside classroom with a full time teacher. These are hallmarks along the path of what you will see today as you visit VBCC. If you would like to know more about our rich history, please contact the director at preschool@viennabc.org.
Vienna Baptist Children’s Center
541 Marshall Road, SW | Vienna, VA 22180
phone: 703-281-2021 | email: preschool@viennabc.org
© 2024 Vienna Baptist Children's Center. All Rights Reserved.